Mantra 3.0 mixes the old with the new

Did you know our Mantra theme is almost 7 years old? And in many ways she looked that age. Mantra had very small font sizes, small to no padding and some dated graphics. So this holiday season we spent all our free time to bring her up to date.

New site and other goodies

Our site has received a major overhaul. It has a brand new look, a new static front page, new theme pages and a lot more.

Everything is a lot more user friendly and things like support and theme information are a lot easier to find. Check it out if you haven’t already.

Mantra 2.5.0 is nearing 5 years with a tear

Updates celebrate milestones; updates bring fixes and improvements; updates build and expand upon collected knowledge. But sometimes updates can also bring hurtful changes.

Mantra 2.5.0 is in a happy/sad mood – celebrating almost 5 years of existence but losing part of itself at the same time.

Just like with her sisters we have set up an alternative solution. As we previously announced, we decided to retain the settings page functionality and move it to a separate plugin.