Autumn reflections and prospects of the future

Your may have noticed a wind down of our activities, sometimes with the ambiguous feeling that we may have gone away completely.
That has not happened…yet, and unless the universe decides otherwise, we’ll stick around for a while.

Website maintenance

This weekend we are performing a bit of website maintenance. Some services will be temporarily affected.

New site and other goodies

Our site has received a major overhaul. It has a brand new look, a new static front page, new theme pages and a lot more.

Everything is a lot more user friendly and things like support and theme information are a lot easier to find. Check it out if you haven’t already.

Where is WordPress heading? To have or not have theme options…

Wordpress’ Theme Review Team seems to always be involved in a lot of decision making. That’s good, decisions have to be made and a direction needs to be set and maintained.

However lately the decisions seem to be taken hastily, without analysing all the effects (and maybe consequences) they have. We’ve had scuffles with Wordpress before, but we’ve moved on, adapted, clarified or changed things. But this new decision directly affects themes – meaning it touches us the most.

Windows Phone support pitch-in campaign

You may have noticed the appearance of a little blue box on the right side of our website. It’s not there just because we love blue, but because we need a bit of help (being blue).

Developing web-related creations is hard work enough. Developing free creations… that’s turning more and more into a spiritual path. But when we also need to test our creations, that’s where matters complicate.

In today’s world with thousands upon thousands of devices, each with its own software, testing things just gets more difficult. While an emulator is good enough in some cases, it does not cover everything. We need an actual device running Windows Phone to truly test things out. We need the real deal…

Last breath of our alter ego

It was born 3 years ago. It took over Mantra and grew it to what it is today. It has lived a short but fruitful life and then it retired, spending its last year helping Cryout Creations expand it’s grip on the world.

Riot Reactions, our (evil) alter ego for about 2 years is now taking its last breath…

Cryout Creations is getting older

We’ll break the update posts streak with a quick ‘Happy Birthday’ that we’d like to say to ourselves on Cryout Creations’ sixth birthday.

Nothing fancy, join us after the jump if you want to see what the previous incarnations of Cryout Creations used to look like.

Maintenance notice

Sunday, September 8th we’ve moved things to a new server.

To keep our website content consistent we made everything read-only on the old server – no new comments / forum topics / support requests are accepted.

If you are seeing this message then you are getting content from the new server, and everything should work for you. If you encounter any issues, let us know.