Mantra 2.4 celebrates 4 years of existence

It’s a time for joy and celebration, not just because a new Mantra update is here to correct and improve some long outstanding issues but also because this month, 4 years ago, our little Mantra opened its digital eyes and met with the Wordpress repository for the very first time. And boy what I ride it has been since…

Mantra is now 4 years old and although her little sisters are starting to surpass her, she’s still older, wiser and still has a few issues up her sleeves.

One of the most important changes in the latest update is the removal of shortcodes. The keep the [mantra] or [cryout] shortcodes working on your site, we’ve moved this functionality to a separate plugin…

Nirvana is now LIVE and you are a part of it!

Our latest WordPress theme, Nirvana, is now Live and available to download and install directly from Now there’s absolutely no reason not to check it out.

Follow us after the jump for the celebration and the full changelog since the theme’s brief but intense existence.

Show your WordPress theme some love

Are you happy with the WordPress theme you’re using? Would you consider yourself and your theme as best buds? Or do you think of your theme as sexy?

Themes are a big part of what makes WordPress great and the search for that perfect one is a long and winding road. Has that road come to and end for you?

Tempera is LIVE and waiting for you!

For all those of you that find it too much of a hustle to download and manually install themes, well, our latest theme Tempera is now live on so you’re really just a click away from it.

For those that manually installed it, you can now update to the latest version. Join us after the jump for the changelog and the LIVE celebration.