Fluida Plus – even more than a premium theme

Fluida Plus WordPress Theme

You might have noticed a slow down in our Fluida updates release cycle in last months. You might have also noticed that we took a bit longer than usual to fix some small issues that were quite annoying for some. But you needn’t start worry, we haven’t given up, we haven’t forgotten Fluida, no need to pack your bags and move to a different theme just yet.

The reason for the delays is actually a very simple one: for the last few months we’ve been drinking our coffee* in big(ger) secret (than usual) and been covertly working on an even greater and better Fluida. And what best time to reveal our secret project than on Fluida’s second birthday! This time the cake is not a lie*.

Today we’re happy to indulge everyone with a sneak preview to Fluida’s evil bigger twin sister – introducing Fluida Plus theme for WordPress!

We call her twin because she’s as much as her sister theme and then some, bigger because going to the features gym really worked out for her and evil because just like her sister she was born out of a deal with the devil and because you’ll have to pay the price for it.

We’ve always had plenty of ideas for extra features and functionality that we wanted to include in our themes and we did our best to include all we could. Thanks to its customizability and reconfigurability, Fluida already feels like a premium theme. And a free one on top!

This is why Fluida Plus is even more than a premium theme – she gets the best of both worlds. Most of her code is shared with Fluida, reviewed for the repository and trusted and used by thousands of sites, and you also get to have all those extra features and functionality that the repository rules don’t accept. Features like a bigger, better and sortable landing page, advanced post metas, advanced widgets, shortcodes, page templates, porftolios, extra widget areas and much much more.

Fluida Plus is not yet available for purchase. There are still quirks to sort out and tests to run so we’ll be starting a closed-beta and make her available to all our Developers Club members in the upcoming days.

We should be publishing the new demo site for Fluida Plus in the next few days – but until then, for your delight, are just some of the awesome Plus features:

New page templates

Fluida Plus About Page Template
“About us” Page Template


Fluida Plus Contact Page Template
“Contact” Page Template

New theme options

Including mobile menu responsiveness trigger limit, extra landing page elements, header/footer scripts support and even landing page elements reordering support.

Plus Settings
Some of the extra theme options

Related posts and content widgets

Fluida Plus Sinlge Post View
A single post with more advanced widgets and related posts section.

Even more widgets for your everyday (and every site) needs

Footer widgets
Footer widgets

Stay tuned!

Fluida is a modern, grid based WordPress theme by Cryout Creations. For more info check out the theme's page.


  1. using fluida plus on a clients site and Im not seeing a way to build a child theme with a unique functions.php also dont see a way to set the number of columns displayed on a custom post type any help would be greatly appreciated

    1. well I figured out the whole fluida fluida plus fluida plus child issue but still cant get the thumbnail/ featured image to show research suggests its an issue with add_theme_support(‘post-thumbnails’); but none of the code Ive tried works to force display of the image on the post page for my artist custom post type and yeah I know I should be posting this on that plugin page but all research points to an issue with fluida plus

      Thank you in advance for your time and knowledge

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