Mantra 2.4 celebrates 4 years of existence

It’s a time for joy and celebration, not just because a new Mantra update is here to correct and improve some long outstanding issues but also because this month, 4 years ago, our little Mantra opened its digital eyes and met with the WordPress repository for the very first time. And boy what I ride it has been since…

Mantra is now 4 years old and although her little sisters are starting to surpass her, she’s still older, wiser and still has a few issues up her sleeves.

One of the most important changes in this update is the removal of shortcodes. Per the WordPress Theme Guidelines concerning plugin territory, this change has long been coming.
To keep the [mantra] or [cryout] shortcodes working on your site, we’ve moved this functionality to a separate plugin which can be downloaded from here.

For all other changes, see the changelog:

  • removed shortcodes functionality (per WordPress Theme Guidelines)
  • fixed issue
  • fixed a namespace typo added in 2.3.3
  • added option to enable/disable zoom for mobile devices
  • added Dailymotion social icon (thanks to Jean-Louis Rosolen)
  • fixed breadcrumbs not handling tag pages
  • replaced get_bloginfo(‘url’) with home_url() per latest WordPress guidelines
  • replaced wp_convert_bytes_to_hr() (deprecated) with size_format()
  • fixed layout/image border option non-clickable on IE 11
  • fixed title tag issue
  • removed obsolete meta template tag
  • fixed slider next/previous arrows always visible
  • fixed slides count limitation when using custom posts by ID
  • fixed disappearing/too small images inside tables issue on Chrome
Mantra is a clean, highly configurable and totally free WordPress theme. For more info check out the theme's page.


  1. Having discovered the removal of shortcodes has broken my site I have downloaded and activated the plugin as described above but it has made no difference – do I need to do something else to make it take effect?

    1. If you’re using the older [mantra] shortcodes instead of [cryout], enable legacy support in the plugin settings for them to work (Appearance > Cryout Shortcodes).

      1. Dear Zed; I installed the latest Mantra on a second project (having contributed and used Mantra on previous project with wonderful success), but 2.4 does not let me do anything with Mantra settings? I have tried in Google and Chrome, but the Mantra settings page is of no use?
        It’s a brand new WP version 4.3 . any help appreciated

  2. Hello. where can I find wp_convert_bytes_to_hr() ?? Since I’ve made plenty changes to this theme for better work on my site, I can’t just upgrade to new version… (Didn’t use child theme)

  3. Our company has been using Matra for little over a year. We only now have been experiencing a few issues regarding the slides. It keep populating the current picture an content that i had and not the new one. Any insight to help fix this would be greatly appreciated.

  4. Not sure when the problem began, but a pullquote I added with a Mantra feature doesn’t work any longer.

    [cryout-pullquote align=”right” textalign=”left|center|right” width=”33%”]

    No pullquote visible, and the above bracketed material appears in the text.

  5. Sorry if this is a stupid question… if I update will I need to redo all the customisation that I applied to this theme or would that only be the case if I had manually edited the stylesheet?

  6. Zed, I donated $25 today via a PayPal transaction (and can send you a Transaction#).

    Here’s the thing: I am building a new site with Mantra…and when I run it thru a “W3C mobileOK Checker” test, I get a note from them that says “The style sheets contain syntax errors. Browsers may not be able to render the page as expected.”

    I have absolutely no idea how to manipulate PHP or CSS code. How can this CSS error be fixed?

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