Tempera is LIVE and waiting for you!

TemperaFor all those of you that find it too much of a hustle to download and manually install themes, well, our latest theme Tempera is now live at WordPress.org so you’re really just a click away from it – Tempera is now officially part of the WordPress Theme Repository! Here it is!

If you did manually installed the theme, you can now update to the latest version directly form your WordPress dashboard. The theme’s changelog since v0.9 follows:


Tempera 0.9.3

  • improved presentation page columns sizing
  • fixed XSS vulnerability in frontend.js
  • checked and corrected WordPress 3.8 readyness (admin styling and theme tags)

Tempera 0.9.2

  • Fixed excessive pagination in custom category pages
  • Replaced query_posts with WP_Query in page-with-intro and blog-page templates
  • Removed the focus to the search form in 404 pages
  • Fixed search input on Google Chrome

Tempera 0.9.1

  • All external links in the Tempera Settings page now open in a new tab
  • All info boxes in the Tempera Settings page can now be hidden
  • Added pagination to the Presentation Page if Show Posts is enabled
  • Removed leftover default.mo from the theme directory
  • The ​http:// protocol has been removed when enqueuing Google fonts
  • Fixed back to top button not changing to the color of the content 
Tempera is a free WordPress theme, created by Cryout Creations, that is responsive and seriously configurable. For more info check out the theme's page.


  1. Hi I started using Mantra and I am not sure if to keep it, to change it to Parabola or to your new development. I never created a child page but I guess I do not have many customization right now but I would like to. Regardless, Mantra, Parabola, Tempera???

  2. Hello,
    Thank you very much for the theme.
    My Tempera theme layout does not work. I have chosen different layouts and they do not seem to do any changes. Please let me know what to do.
    Once this is resolved, i will like to donate the $25 so that u remote the copyright notice. Thank you!

    1. It really depends on how you checked the layouts. The general Layout option does not affect pages that uses a specific layout page template.
      Make sure you are checking your changed layout on a category / archive / tags / standard page (and also make sure you are not using a caching plugin).

  3. Not sure if this is the right spot for this but…. I’m having issues trying to get jquery to work with Tempera. I am putting a simple script inside the “Custom Javascript” field but it never works.

    $( document ).ready(function() {
    console.log( “ready!” );

  4. Hi! Thank you so much for this theme! I have been working on it for about a week and absolutely love it! It has everything I need. One question though… How do I disable comments on the pages? I thought it would be on the edit section of the page but I can’t find it. Thank you!

  5. Brilliant theme, and even the custom css works great but…
    How van i make the slider background transparant, because the slider it self is in the div of the frontpage??, so that the slider shows the body’s background.

  6. Hello 🙂 I’m using this theme and it is fine, but.. it is not very responsive on iphone 🙁 Some of text is disappearing on the right side and is not possible to it it even if you could move content to the right. What to do? or is any solution to that?

    Thanks 😉

      1. I was also looking for a way to remove ‘powered by Tempera and WordPress’ from the footer of my blog, but after going through the A1 to A4 of your FAQ, I think not removing it is actually the least we can do in return for the wonderful works you guys are doing, and not just that alone, for giving them away for free. Kudos!

  7. Many thanks for the theme. i use it for one week and i find it fantastic, however i ve got a problem using polish fonts. tempera changes them into another font. Do You have any suggestion?

  8. I’m trying to add 3 columns to a page to insert coupons(html) I was able to do it easily with mantra theme but cannot for this new site I’m doing.[mantra-multi]
    [mantra-column width="1/3"]row 2, col 1[/mantra-column]
    [mantra-column width="1/3"]row 2, col 2[/mantra-column]
    [mantra-column width="1/3"]row 2, col 3[/mantra-column]

    Am I Missing something here? any help appreciated

    1. Hi. Tempera does not include shortcodes (as this functionality is not longer accepted by WordPress in themes).
      We are working on a complementary plugin to provide this functionality in Parabola and Tempera.

  9. This theme is just fantastic. Thank you! I am cold-running it on WP.org locally (on my computer) before going online. However, I am not finding where to insert links on a side bar (or footer) – here I mean, links to other pages, blogs, etc. Is this due to the local installation?

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