Header theme

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  • #49494

    We are building our website using Anima Theme. Until now we had no main problems but one:
    The header image is always a different size than we upload it. We are building specific images with the right ratio and pixels, to fit in the header. When we charge the image that size, no matter the resolution, it crops it to a little portion of the image (usually the top right side of the image). If we upload different ratio and different pixel it always have a different behaviour so we did not manage to make the header look like we want it.

    Someone else had this problem aswell? How can we fix it?

    Thank you for your attention

    Website: aghostcity.altervista.org

    • This topic was modified 7 years ago by noworking.
    Cryout Creations mastermind

    In the customizer settings, under Header you can change the header image height. Also, when uploading a new header image make sure to select “Skip crop” on the crop window.

    Good luck!

    Before posting consider reading our short theme debugging instructions.
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