Insecure Elements in Themes?

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  • #146919


    Someone just indicated that some of my WP sites (Cryout Nirvana ( & Bravada ( are showing as unsecured in Firefox
    ALL sites seem to show as OK in other browsers
    I looked at the SSL/TLS Status page and couldn’t see anything that stood out. I also checked a few htaccess files and again couldn’t see anything obvious.
    With some further digging the problem seems to come from some Cryout elements which still show http rather than https e.g.
    1. footer id=”footer” class=”cryout” itemscope itemtype=””
    2. the “Powered by” links go to and

    Thanks in anticipation for any advice


    Steve Procter
    Power User

    Hopefully this will be fixed soon, but no one is replying here or to support tickets 🙁

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