Setting background image

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  • #15030

    Can I make the background image set to fit instead of tiled or no repeat? I would like it to fit the page, instead of staying small and centered or repeated in tiles…Do I need a specific sized image?

    Cryout Creations mastermind

    Under Appearance >> Background you have all the options. The recommended size for a static background image would be 1920 x 1080.

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    How can I tell the body background image to sit at the left bottom corner of the screen? I do not want it to take up the entire screen. So far it aligns left (as specified in the Tempera settings) but it will not sit at bottom of screen as desired. here is the code I’ve tried so far in the custom css field:

    #body {
    background-position: left bottom;

    thank you for a beautiful theme!



    I would like to know the answer to Angelfuzz’s question as well because I’m trying to do something similar.

    Can someone help?

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