Priority Support Not Working

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  • #145191

    I have paid for a subscription and submitted a Support Ticket 6 days ago and nobody has replied. It seems there is no way to get hold of anyone here.


    Another day has gone by and my ticket has not been responded to. What is the point of paying? I will give one more day and then open a dispute with paypal and see if you respond to that.


    Having paid to join the developer club it seems that this company is now out of business. Nobody is responding to any forum posts and nobody is answering support emails.


    Still no reply to any ticket or forum.


    I think this lot have gone out of business. After a lot of tooing and froing – caused by an error on my part – PayPal we’re able to find the recurring payment and stop it and have been able to open a dispute for the payment made. I find that when disputes are opened that the account holder ends up answering more quickly. If not – then at least I will get my money back.

    it is a shame. I have been using their free templates for a while and thought it would be useful to upgrade and use their professional service. Lesson that is hard to learn:

    No phone number. No buy.

    Steve Procter
    Power User

    Sadly I think the war has had a massive impact on Cryout.
    I’ve been using them for years for my computer company, but we’ve had no support or updates for over a year 🙁
    I really hope that Zed and the team come back but it’s looking unliklely.


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