Fluida is finally live on WordPress.org

Just like the title says, the wait is finally over. You can now find our latest theme Fluida on WordPress.org as well as auto-install it directly from your dashboard.

It took a little longer than expected but the result is what matters after all.

Fluida 0.9.2 sheds some weight

Although lost in the theme review queue for quite a while now, Fluida wastes no time to expand and improve itself. The new update brings new options controlling main layout alignment, header widget alignment, comment form width and comments date appearance.

Other mentionable changes are the removal of all bundled font files in favour of Google Fonts and support for PHP older than 5.3. For the full list…

Fluida 0.9.1 pays attention

Fluida, our newest, latest and most recent WordPress theme pays attention in class. With all of you as its personal tutors, she’s turning out to be a real teacher’s pet. She’s doing everything she can to get on your good side, to please you in every way possible.

Find out what she’s willing to do for attention after the jump.

Fluida – our new WordPress theme is ready for download

It’s all been so quiet lately, hasn’t it? Too quiet. And calm. Well, all this calm is about to come to an end, and as calm always does, it’s about to make way to a fierce storm.

And this particular storm comes in the form of… wait for it… wait for it… a new WordPress theme! Dig into the announcement post to find out more…