Top Menu – dropdowns not visible

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  • #21818

    I am trying to setup a Top menu. I have it set as ‘Normal’, and it appears ok a the top right of the screen. I have sub-selections under each item – the problem is these do not appear. If you move the mouse over the top level menu item, a blue bar appears, which I guess is the drop down item. Or perhaps it is just an indicator.

    Does the top menu support sub items?



    I was wondering the same. I cannot see the drop down menu (for pages) even if I have got first and second level pages.

    Is this supported by the Tempera theme?

    Great theme for WordPress!



    I had the same question regarding the parabola theme and was advised that the top menu was only a single depth i.e. didn’t support sub menus.

    I hope this helps



    Would it be best then when using WooCommerce to create a sub-site so that the WooCommerce pages do not clog up the entire main menu?

    Raimund Hagemann

    I have the same problem.
    No dropdown menu in top navigation!
    Can anybody please help?

    Thanks a lot, Hage


    Hi, same problem here, I also opened a thread on WP, at least I’d like to know if it is possible or if I miss something.



    Cryout Creations mastermind

    Hi guys,

    The top and footer menus are 1st level menus only. They were created with simplicity in mind and a dropdown menu seemed redundant. Although seeing that many of you may need dropdowns we’ll try to implement them in a future version of the theme.

    Thanks a lot for the feedback guys!

    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by Kay.

    Before posting consider reading our short theme debugging instructions.
    Please read the FAQs: MantraNirvanaParabolaTempera
    Tutorials: custom menustranslating themeinstalling themecategory page with introdisabling comments Wordpress: child themescategories/posts
    Before making any modifications to your theme we strongly recommend using Child Themes.
    Claude Martins

    Hello fellow Earthlings,
    To have your submenu items show up in wordpress you must go to the MENU section under APPEARANCE and Create the Menu manually and place the Submenu items as such on the right.

    In other words the template does not do it automatically, you must do it in wordpress’s Menu section.

    Kyle Nelson

    Hello I am wondering if the top menu drop downs have been addressed or corrected in newer version. I am not able to get this working. Thank you


    Hi guys,

    Any news about this update ? I really need to add a dropdown menu in the top bar so I hope this will be fixed soon.

    Thanks in advance

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