There's a problem with your WordPress jQuery library.

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  • #7426

    Wanted to modify Mantra Settings, but got this:

    There’s a problem with your WordPress jQuery library. This can have several causes, including incompatible plugins.
    The Mantra Settings page cannot function without jQuery. You need to fix this issue before you can configure Mantra.

    And then it screwed my site colums…

    I don’t have a clue what to do. Everything was perfect, and only thing I did was a minor correction to the Custom footer text… How can this happen?!!!! Not good, not good at all.


    But before I did anything, I upgraded WP. And according to this, there might be something fishy going on with Mantra using CDNs:

    Anyhow, my site is screwed and I need to get it fixed asap.


    And furthermore, this is excatly what happened to me:

    So, I propably should just change the theme since this problem has been around this long. And I don’t want to reset to defaults every time when changing something so trivial in Mantra settings.

    Too bad, I actually liked the Mantra.

    Cryout Creations mastermind

    Mantra does not load JS libraries from external sources. It uses the built-in WordPress jQuery.

    The “There’s a problem with your WordPress jQuery library.” message pretty much says it all… there’s an issue with your WordPress/jQuery, most likely caused by a plugin (since not all obey the rules and use the built-in version).

    See question D6 in the FAQs.


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    This error occasionally shows up in my admin area, but only shows for a brief instant then goes away. There are no further issues after the error disappears, so I am just ignoring it. I first noticed it after manually installing a carousel slider (non-plug in) onto the presentation page.

    Cryout Creations mastermind

    If you get to see it for a second, that means your admin area is just loading a bit slow but there’s nothing wrong.

    It’s only a problem if the errors stays displayed after the page load is complete.

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    Please check the available documentation and search the forums before starting a topic.
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