Parabola FAQs

A. Legal

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B. WordPress Functionality

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C. Theme Functionality

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D. Updates

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E. Specific Functionality

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    1. I’m using a custom logo via the Parabola settings and it shows up just fine in desktop browsers. But on iphones, at least, I’m not seeing it. The header background is there and everything else on the site is being scaled/rearranged acceptably for small mobile screens…but our logo isn’t showing up.

      Now, I HAVE used the “header content spacing” setting to push the logo over to the right side of the header with a left pixel setting of 680. Is that the problem? And, if so, how can I position the logo on the right while still maintaining mobile compatibility?

      (I can’t provide a link, I’m afraid, as the site is in development and therefore has not been made accessible outside our network.)

      Thanks in advance!

      1. Figured out that instead of specifying a huge left indent in the header settings, I could instead float #logo right with custom CSS (adding a little margin-right for fine-tuning) and then it shows up in the mobile version, as well.

  1. I want to use the “Restricted to Adults” label for only one category on my site. Is there a way to add a meta tag for an individual category if using WordPress, Parabola & Yoast SEO?

    This is the code

        1. Another question to solve the problem there… Can I use media queries in the custom css?

          My logo (against your advice in the background image) looks fine on desktop, poor on mobile.

          Can I just hide it on mobile?

          1. Yes, you can use media queries. Any CSS you type in there will be displayed inline, at the end of the header, but before the theme’s responsive styling, so it may be overwritten.

  2. Hi! Love the theme.

    I have a suggestion for the next release.

    I am using pages, rather than posts, for the Presentation Page slider. As I like to define the excerpt to display (via the dashboard), I can either edit functions.php or use a plugin to do this – neither of which are particularly desirable (I’m not using a child theme).

    Could you add a little code to allow Page Excerpts on screen options on the next release?

    Thanks & Kind Regards

  3. Hi there,
    Thanks for a great theme. Have a couple of questions about the site-title and site-description.
    First, which file has the div structure so I can change the order of the containing divs for these. I want to put the site description first and the site-title second so it reads Welcome to (site description) the Magic of Peter Nguyen (site title).
    Second, I’ve noticed in the Parabola text settings the minimum font size for the site title is 30px and I’d like to make it smaller (I have quite a bit of text on the background image). I have a child CSS activated for the theme but changing the font size there doesn’t affect the way it displays. Appreciate your time if you’re able to answer.

    1. The code for the the header area is in includes/theme-functions.php in a hooked function. You should make a copy (and edit) the function in your child theme, unhook the original function and hook your custom function in its place.
      Double check the CSS rule is correct. If it is and still doesn’t apply, you could try adding !important.

  4. I’m testing out the Parabola theme and so far I really like it — good job!

    A question though: is it possible to assign transparency to the content background and the header background regions? I’m guessing this will require CSS, but not sure where to find it (I’m rather new to this.)


    – Jamal

    1. All background colour fields in the theme settings can be left empty to remove the background on that particular area (keep in mind the area behind may also have a background).
      Otherwise, CSS can easily be used to change various things. Firebug is an excellent starting point in playing around with CS.

  5. Hi,
    I love the Parabola Theme,
    but I have two questions:
    1. Is it Possible to select a different header for each page, or at least to insert a slideshow into the header?

    2: I would like to remove the Copyright Link and have already read that I will have to donate money to get this done.
    Because I have more than one website running on the Parabola Theme I would like to know if I will get told how to remove the Copyright Link or If it gets removed for me?
    If the removal was done for me, would I have to pay 25 $ for each website or will my “one time donation” be enough for support on several projects?

    1. Hi.
      1. You can enable the “featured image as header image” theme option which will used the defined featured image (if big enough) as a header image. Adding a slider requires custom coding.
      2. One premium donation covers copyright removal for one theme and premium support for a reasonable amount of sites.

  6. My slider size is set to 1150×300 and I resized my images to match, but the images still appear fuzzy half of the time and the transitions between images distorts them. How do I fix this?

    I have checked and all of them are set to full size.

  7. Hi there,
    Great theme – thank you.
    I would like to add a sub menu (pref in the left hand sidebar) to pages that have a sub menu. I am only able to add this across all pages – is it possible to add specific sub menus to specific pages. NB I know how to create the menu just not add it to specific pages rather than across all pages.
    Thanks in advance,

  8. I would like the background image in the Content part of my site to also appear as the background behind the image in the Header. At the minute the header background is white. Basically, I would like my tiled image to appear as the background all over the pages! How can I do this? Thank you.

  9. I would like to add an image to my header but make it fit like the background image. I basically want my background image to fit all the way up to the header and menu bar. How do I do that?

  10. Dear Zed , wonderfull theme … my question is : i use biondi font for the whole site , but if i check the site on a computer which has not got that font , it won’t show … this looks messy . Can i only use fonts which are known by ms or did i get the settings wrong ?

    1. If you use “operating system fonts” (the ones listed by name in the settings) your device needs to have that font to render it. Basic fonts are supported by all devices, while others are not. If you want device-independent fonts, use Google fonts.

      1. Hi Guys, thks for your superb theme :º)

        gods know you’re busy, but for we bleary-eyed souls who are a bit green and working in the early hours… a bit more luv included in replies are a kindness.
        So here I’ll offer to help this community… if I have it wrong, please advise.

        Firstly, there’s a typo in Zed’s reply – cut ‘n paste that and it won’t work.
        should be : ” body.single #nav-below { display: none; } ”
        Secondly… the likes of me only barely knows what to do with this…
        for greener newbies… go to Parabola Misc settings and paste the line to the custom CSS section. Be sure to save the theme options.

        1. Yup, ate a letter there. I was probably hungry 🙂

          I always assume whomever’s asking the question has read at least the theme’s FAQs and can recognise CSS, otherwise any kind of changes beyond what the theme options provide are next to impossible…

          Plus, I’d be a terrible teacher as I prefer to get straight to the point and dislike explaining stuff…

  11. Hi I love this design so thank you in advance, I have a few questions though…
    1. how do i change the colour of text within the main body copy?
    2. how do I change the colour of drop down menus, mines is currently white and the copy is white..
    3. Featured images arent showing up in pages or post as the thumbnail or in body of posts…

    thank you!!

    1. 1. That’s the first colour field for Content.
      2. The drop down menus use the same background colour as the menu itself
      3. Featured images are only displayed when excerpts are enabled. If you display full posts, you can simply include your images in the posts themselves.

  12. First I’d like to say Parabola is really a great theme and easy to use specially for a newbie like me. I have a question though, I am using – three columns, sided as my general layout but I would like to hide the left sidebar for category pages with intro. Is that possible?

  13. Edited file fontfaces.tss added fonts into fonts folder. However, in the control panel is not affected in any way. Also can not connect fonts from Google. Template does not react to this. What could be wrong?

    1. Adding fonts as files or in the CSS will not make them show up in the admin section.
      But you’ll be able to use them in your custom CSS:
      tag, #specificid, .customclass { font-family: myFontFamilyname; }

      You’ll lose all those changes the next time you update the theme.

  14. I put a logo in the custom header part (Appearance>Header>Header Image) and it looks great but I can’t give the site a site title and tagline without it writing over the logo. How can I get a site title? at the moment if someone is on the site it just has a dash in the tab 🙁

    1. There are 2 things you can control in the header area: a header background image (which should NOT be used to display a logo) and the name of the website which can be either the title and tagline, a logo image, a link all over the header area or nothing at all.
      The header image is controllable from Appearance > Header, while the actual content of the header is configurable in the theme settings (Appearance > Parabola Settings), under “Header Settings”.

      1. I think in my madness, I hit ‘remove header image’ and I notice now it says I will not be able to restore any customisations. Can I get it back? I found a drop down menu in parabola settings>header> site header that lets you change from site name to logo. I reckon this option was the one making it write on top of logo. Do you reckon I need to download the theme again 🙁

        1. You can add/set/remove the header image from Appearance > Header.
          As long as you don’t delete the actual image from Library you’ll be able to re-set an image you previously removed.