Nirvana 1.5 metamorphosizes


Nirvana v1.5 includes structural changes that can result in appearance hiccups on the site when using a child theme. In such cases we strongly recommend taking a look at this forum topic for more information before installing the update.


  • Fixed standards compliance cleanup sometimes breaking some generated CSS styling
  • Fixed PHP notice in the footer when presentation page is not used


  • Improved standards compliance for options generated CSS styling
  • Fixed text case option still not applying to footer menu
  • Fixed ‘cryout_global_content_width is not defined’ JavaScript error breaking theme functionality when there are media embeds
  • Fixed content being enlarged on mobile devices
  • Fixed custom JavaScript not being included on the frontend


  • Fixed text case option no longer having effect
  • Fixed presentation page columns margin missing when 2 columns are used
  • Fixed presentation page columns title missing with widget columns
  • Fixed slider navigation visible on mobile when disabled


  • Rewrote styles enqueues
  • Rewrote presentation page code and separated output from generation
    • Changed padding and margins for multiple layout elements
    • Changed default featured image size to 350×280 px
    • Changed meta padding and border default color
    • Increased pagination padding
    • Increased margins between columns on all layouts
    • Improved responsiveness
    • Redesigned continue reading button
    • Cleaned up specific CSS for old browser
    • Cleaned up !important syling used in custom generated styling
    • Increased blockquote fontsize and padding
    • Increased search input padding
    • Changed multiple default colors and font sizes
    • Updated sample presentation page text and images
    • Recreated RTL style
    • Adjusted ‘code’ and ‘pre’ tags appearance
    • Updated screenshot
Nirvana is a seriously configurable and responsive WordPress theme, with both wide and boxed layouts. For more info check out the theme's page.


  1. The new theme updated messed up all of my formatting. I am beyond infuriated with your team. I have my final meeting and presentation for this website in a few hours and now I have to try reformat and customize everything back to the way it was.

    What’s worse, is that the changes I have made to the site in Nirvana Settings are not even showing on the live site. Social Media icons not the colour that they are set in the settings. Header height is not 200px like it is set to be. Page titles won’t go away even though they are set to ‘hide’.

    Please fix this ASAP, you’ve ruined by website and I can’t even change it back to how it should be.

  2. If I update the Nirvana child theme, will I have to set it up from scratch or is there a way to migrate the exsisting settings, like colors, text, presentation page…etc.?

  3. what steps do I take to update to the latest Nirvana Child Theme if I made edits to the one I am using, like css in the custom css area and am using presentation page with slider images?

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