Septera Plus – our latest premium WordPress theme

Septera Plus

Septera Plus brings loads of pure awesomeness to a theme that was already brimful with awesome. All the features that were not allowed for themes hosted on have now found their way into the premium version of theme!

So if you like Septera, you’re going to love Septera Plus! Here are just a few of the many extra perks:

More widgets, templates and shortcodes

With Septera Plus you get six new premium widgets, 5 new page templates and 12 custom made shortcodes to make your content shine and enhance your site’s aspect.

More theme options

The premium version of the theme has over 50 new customizer options. That’s more than 150 theme options awaiting to be tweaked!

And they’re just as powerful, intuitive and easy to use.

A bigger & better landing page

Septera Plus brings new ways to improve and enhance your landing page. You get more icon blocks, featured boxes, text areas and a brand new portfolio section. And they’re all customizable and sort-able with the new, limitless custom post type.

Dedicated admin page

The new admin page allows you to fully manage your premium theme. Export and import theme settings, manage recommended plugins, view the latest changes and more.

And if you’ve already used the free version of Septera, you can also migrate its settings, thus not having to start from scratch after installing the Plus version.

More perks

For an in-depth description of all the new features and perks, have a look on the theme’s page. For the interactive, live action demo check out the brand new theme demo page.

Septera is a WordPress theme with premium features and amazing customization options. For more info check out the theme's page.