Mantra 2.0 is gonna rock your world

Mantra 2.0 is almost here! In a few days you’ll be able to get your hands on a fresh copy of your favorite WordPress theme. What do you mean which one? Mantra, of course.

The first thing you’ll notice is the slightly improved Mantra Settings page. You’re welcome. Then you’ll probably notice a new option set: Header Settings. That gives enhanced control over everything inside your header. You can now also upload a logo and the whole header is finally fully responsive. Go check it out.

Of course this little change may cause your child theme (in case you’ve altered the header in any way) to freak out. If that happens, you need to update your child theme to use the new code.

Apart from this, we’ve fixed  a few bugs, some JavaScript and some responsive issues. Plugin compatibility has also been increased. But enough general data. Here’s the changelog:

  • New and improved Mantra Settings page
  • Moved several settings around for better grouping
  • The new Header options set: Header Height, Site Header selector (Site Title / Logo / Link / None), Custom Logo uploader, Header Top Spacing and Rounded Corners for Menu Items.
  • (finally) Fixed header responsiveness
  • Sanitize function is made pluggable
  • Hopefully fixed some array merging which sometimes lost the Mantra options
  • Improved jQuery plugins compatibility
  • Improved mobile view
  • Fixed social mail link
  • Fixed columns shortcodes
  • Fixed HTML layout on the ‘Category page with intro’ template
  • Undefined amount of small bug fixes

Mantra 2.0 has been submitted to the WordPress themes directory and should become available in a couple of days.

Mantra is a clean, highly configurable and totally free WordPress theme. For more info check out the theme's page.


  1. Hi, is it possible to change the rounded corners of the sidebar background title areas? If so, how? I know in the settings you can disable the rounded corners in the top nav, but I don’t see anywhere in settings or in css for this.

  2. Installed Mantra 2.0.1 but I am unable to change the settings.On clicking any of the settings section(like header setting, color setting) nothing happens.
    Also I have deleted the home page but still it appears in my menu.Please suggest.

  3. My header image is not showing up at the correct size now with my child theme. What code am I needing to add from the update to make it size correctly and where exactly do I need to add that code? I switched it over to the Mantra parent theme and it is sized correctly so there is something I am missing for the child theme.

    1. It really depends on the code you copied/changed in the child theme. You need to compare your child theme with the 2.0.x version to spot all the changes, then migrate all these changes to your child theme (if necessary).

  4. I just uploaded the new header and it’s very wide. I love the functionality but I liked the narrowness of the old version. I tried setting the header height and top spacing to 0 pixels but it didn’t do anything. Is there anything else I can do. On my site the maroon area in the header is what I’m talking about Also, no header appears when I use Internet Explorer to view my site. It’s fine on chrome but not on IE. Is something happening there? Thanks for the help!

  5. Header no longer resizes with screen resolution correctly. Also moves it off to the right a bit too much, right edge is now clipped off. It was awesome before… looking forward to fixes, going back to default wordpress header for now though, no time to remake graphics. :S

  6. I love th Mantra theme However, In creating a new site I downloaded the the new 2.o version. I cannot get the layout functions to work. I deleted and reinstalled, but this wasw no help. Any suggestions anyone.

  7. Great work, this template has proved to be a godsend. Shame about the icons at the top right of the header disappearing, but if this is going to be fixed on version 2.0.1 it should correspond with my site launch!

  8. Despite checking and rechecking the settings, I have now lost the ability to keep my social media icons in the clickable header image. They just won’t show up there anymore, but they will display in all of the three other possible locations. But I need them back in the clickable header as they were before. This was one of the nice features of this theme.

  9. Referring to my previous comment…I fixed it by increasing the size of the Header Height to 150px and then adjusting the Top Margins for the Site Title and Site Description. If there is a better way I’d like to know.
    Thanks again fro a great theme!!

  10. Just updated to 2.0, great improvement in the Header Settings, well done guys!! One thing, I can’t see my site description/tag line any more! Updated the style.css but still not back. Any ideas?

  11. Hello Cryout Creations! You are the bomb-diggity!! 😀

    I hope one of the improvements is a page for which to assign blog posts when using the presentation page – which I love, by the way. I ended up devising a new, post-wide category and setting that in the main menu, but it’s messy; it’s clear it’s a category, and not an actual page for the posts to sit on.

    Can’t wait for the update! Thanks for all you do! 🙂

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