White space issues (underneath slider & above footer)

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  • #42873

    Hello! I’m using this amazing theme (thank you, CC people!) for my boss’s small web site but due to my inexperience I’m finding changing some things really difficult. I’ve tried looking them up but not much luck so far. If any kind soul could help me with any of the following questions, I would be really, really grateful. 🙂

    Here are my questions:
    Question 1. How might I get rid of the white space underneath the slider? I’ve disabled the icon section but it still shows.. Have I missed something?
    Question 1
    Question 2. Might there be an easy way to remove the space between the footer and the posts/pages?
    and last but not least
    Question 3. How might I center post/blog titles?
    Question 2 & 3

    Website: www.sannemikaelabazlamit.dk



    1) from customize-additional css try input this:

    .lp-section-header {
    margin: 0 auto;
    padding-top: 0px;
    text-align: center;

    .lp-blocks-inside {
    padding-bottom: 0px;

    2) you can use custom css like above answer, i use firebug addon mozilla to edit css and simulate it

    3) maybe you can use custom css again like this :

    .entry-title {

    note that every text use entry title id will be centered


    Thank you SO much, Raftingbatu for taking the time to answer me! 🙂
    I only had to add one more line to make the white block vanish completely:

    .lp-blocks-inside {
    padding-bottom: 0px;
    padding-top: 0px;

    I will also look into the firebug addon!



    please, help needed.

    i still have space between the footer and the posts/pages, how can i rig of it?

    i dont have any previous knowledge in CSS….

    Website: natunbarosh.co.il

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