Which file do I edit to append a string to a author's display name?

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  • #55025


    I really like the Septera theme but I’m using a plugin called Advanced Custom Fields to add additional information about authors which I’d like to add to the end of the author’s display name in blog posts, etc..

    This is the command that ACF provides to let you get a field: the_field('field_name', 'user_1'); (documentation here)

    I’ve had a bit of a look in the theme and seen some functions that look like they output user data but cannot find the location of the code that they run. I was hoping someone could help point me towards some place(s) to add this code to 🙂


    Website: thechasejournal.ga

    • This topic was modified 6 years ago by jakewalker. Reason: Added documentation link
    Cryout Creations mastermind

    You probably need to customize the theme’s septera_posted_author() function.
    This function is pluggable, you can simply copy it from Septera’s includes/loop.php file to your child theme’s functions.php and then customize the code in it according to your needs.

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