October 30th, 2022 at 19:04 #134220
For some time now, special characters (diacritics – Romanian word for special characters) are not seen as they should be in the text. (ladyinblack.ro & dusacucartea.ro).
The first time I noticed on my mobile that they are not visible as they should be. Now also on desktop.
Please check and update. I’m participating in a blogging contest and everything needs to be fixed.
Some print screen to check.
Website: ladyinblack.ro
Website: ladyinblack.ro
October 30th, 2022 at 19:04 #133652Hi,
For some time now, special characters (diacritics – Romanian word for special characters) are not seen as they should be in the text. (ladyinblack.ro & dusacucartea.ro).
The first time I noticed on my mobile that they are not visible as they should be. Now also on desktop.
Please check and update. I’m participating in a blogging contest and everything needs to be fixed.
Some print screen to check.
Website: ladyinblack.ro
November 6th, 2022 at 17:30 #133838help, somebody? no answear?
November 25th, 2022 at 10:22 #134391foarte neplacut sa nu rezolvati aceasta problema. Dar nu am tema premium, dar asta nu inseamna sa nu raspundeti! Caut alta tema mai friendly si care raspunde la problemele de pe forum.
Apropo, nici pagina de contact nu functioneaza! SUPER!December 10th, 2022 at 02:19 #134835Zed
Cryout Creations mastermindHi,
Our themes do not bundle any of the fonts – these are loaded either directly from Google’s fonts service or depend on the system fonts available in the operating system (according to the typography configuration).
The Google embed already attempts to load the full charset of the fonts (you can see here that
is also included). If some glyphs from the extended character set are odd or incorrectly displayed that could be because the font simply doesn’t support/include them (and the browser replaces the missing characters only with a font from the same family).Weirdly enough, I was not able to find Muli on the Google fonts list to check its character support although it is served in the embed.
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