shortcodes in “Custom Footer Text”

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  • #76185

    Looks like shortcodes are not supported in the “Custom Footer Text” for this theme. It appears that some of the other Cryout Creations themes do have support for this.

    Any idea how to add this feature to this theme?



    Custom Footer Text


    Controls the content of the custom footer text (displayed at the bottom of the footer). This field accepts both basic HTML (for links, images and special characters) and shortcodes.

    But, shortcodes don’t work in this area 🙁

    What am I missing?


    Never mind. Wrote my own code.

    Cryout Creations mastermind

    The documentation is not entirely correct there. Shortcodes are currently only supported in Parabola’s footer text field – we’ll extend this in the next updates for the other themes.

    Edit: All current theme versions support shortcodes in the custom footer text field.

    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by Zed.

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