Reduce Width of Search Box in Header Widget?

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  • #25540
    Scott Sargent

    Theme is great and better than most pay themes, so thank you.

    Is there a way to reduce the width of the Search Box when it is put in the header widget? The Search Box as it is takes up half the header. It is at least 500px. Is it an easy fix, or can someone help with CSS code?

    Thank you.

    Nick jones

    Looks like the default is
    #header-widget-area {width:50%; right:0px}

    If you need to find the CSS code (class or ID) the best way to do this is in your browser: right click the item in question (ie the search box), select “Inspect Element” and there you will see the CSS code for the element, you can even edit the CSS right there and then in the browser to see what effects the changes have, and see which one does what you need, then make the required modifications in your own CSS.

    Scott Sargent

    Thank you for your help. I was able to fix it.

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