Presentation slider text in mobile too light

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  • #29121

    Hi guys…
    I am using Nirvana, and love it BTW! Question is this…When I added the titles and captions on the presentation page slider, it looks great on PC. But when on a mobile phone, and the title and captions drop below the image, the text is on a light grey background and is difficult to read. Where can I change this?

    Ross Willits

    You can change the weight of the font using the Custom CSS box under Miscellaneous Settings.

    Add this:
    .inline-slide-text {font-weight: 600 !important;}

    You’ll get a medium bold weight. You can change the 600 to another value that’s supported by your font. I think you can also use font-weight: bold.

    I found that you have to use the !important designation for this to work right.

    Good luck!

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