Presentation page adjustments

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  • #22300

    I’m brand new to the webpage publishing world, but Parabola really caught my eye. Does anybody know how I can
    1) Change the color and side of the different menu bar layouts? They are so small, I think people would like bigger buttons

    2) I have quite a few posts and I want to showcase all of them in the most recent articles in there a way to do this?

    3) Is there a way to make a right side bar on the presentation page to show featured blog posts?

    Thanks so much for any help!
    For reference here’s the site:
    Thanks again!


    Hi Cathy

    Although this is in Tempera forum area it also relates to Parabola.
    1. There are many ways of showing menus, the standard theme settings allow for 3, top, primary and footer. Only the primary text can be changed using standard theme Text Settings. The other two require some custom CSS changes. A custom menu can be put into a side bar using a widget and the page layout determines which side of page it is show. Look at page attributes for the different formats.
    2. If you use the recent posts widget you can set the number of posts you wish to show.
    3. You cannot set a sidebar onto the presentation page, only put widgets on as footers.

    I hope this is of help


    Shawn Blagrove

    Hi Cryout Creation!
    I have to say out of all themes I have tried out, this one by far I absolutely love!!! It was the most user-friendly for someone who has no idea how to build a website. I have a couple of questions about the presentation page. Also, please check out my website that is still in its development stage, to better understand the questions I have below.

    (1) I can’t seem to get my logo image to configure correctly on the header, I did read where you explain on the forum about checking the layout & header setting, but my custom logo dimensions is 1800×1200. How do I get it to show up within the header dimensions and possible more centered?

    (2) The slider is my favorite feature but, it is not responsive when viewed on my ipad or tablet, the floating text box on the slider moves to the top of the slider hiding my content, even in landscape position. I have tried to even adjust the width & height of the sliders I inputted but to no avail! I would like the slider dimension to look similar to how the template was prior to me adding my slides. How can I fix these things?

    (3) My drop down menu on my I phone has my main menu in reverse, so instead of “about us” being first as it is on the navigation bar when viewed on my laptop, the “Contact us” is first. How do I fix this?

    (4) How do I add selection under my category drop down menu?

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