new theme

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  • #6128


    If I do an update of mantra, is that I will lose my site as it is currently
    I’m really scared.

    by the way …

    it is not very pretty tags in the comment box, is that I can remove them if so how?

    What is that you advise me to add a guestbook?

    Thank you I love mantra

    • This topic was modified 11 years ago by Zed. Reason: fixed formatting
    Cryout Creations mastermind

    Theme options are kept on updates. File changes are not – so if you’ve made any modifications in the theme files, make sure you transfer them to a child theme first.

    You also have the “Export Settings” feature, to make a backup of the current settings before the update (’cause you can never have too many backups)

    And you’ll find the option to hide “Text Under Comments” (under Graphics Settings).



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