mobile menu

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  • #28723

    First of all my complements, tempera is in my opinion the best free wordpress theme ever!
    My question is about the main menu on a smartphone.
    I have sub menu items, and the 1° level menu item are custom links going nowhere (#).
    When browsing through the menu, it sometimes goes to a page i didn’t selected.
    so, when i click on the first 1° level menu item, i see the sub menu items. Now i want to open the second 1° level menu item, but it goes directly to the last submenu item of the currently opened 1° level item. I would like to be able to open and close a menu item when tapping it twice, or when selecting another menu item.

    hope i’ve explained it clearly. Is there a solutions for this?

    Thanks in advance!

    Cryout Creations mastermind

    Could you post a link to your site?

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