How to remove the dash or title separator from the end of post title

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  • #43548

    When I copy and paste my URL into Facebook and Google+ to create a post, there is a dash at the end of my title every time and it looks very unprofessional. Here is one of my posts:

    If you look at my Facebook page, you will see the dash at the end of every post from my website posts. I figured out that I can edit it out if I do it right away on Facebook, but on Google+ it doensn’t allow a title edit. Here is my Facebook page:

    Is this a function of the theme and is there a way to remove the dash/hyphen? It looks terrible. HELP!


    Cryout Creations mastermind

    I recommend using a SEO plugin (like Yoast) to control what third party services see when they retrieve content from your site.

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