Home Page Name Showing on Landing Page

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  • #51034

    On my site (http://sacpc.org/) the name of the home page title/name is showing on the bottom of the page. The page title is “Home.” Any idea why it is there, and how to get rid of it? Thanks

    Website: sacpc.org


    I like looking through the forum and seeing other people’s websites. I just wanted to say I think yours looks great! I don’t really know the answer to your question, but my guess is that you have a page called “Home” in your list of pages, but that page doesn’t actually have anything on it, and it’s showing up because you have it set to show up on the landing page. Check Customize->Landing Page->text areas and see if you have one of them set to Home. If so, disable that. If that’s not it, I don’t know where it’s coming from.

    Cryout Creations mastermind

    @tglatt, define and use a custom menu to select which content your menu displays.

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    I appreciate the response – but I’m not talking about the menu. I don’t see where I can attach an image to this post – but on sacpc.org right above the footer the word “Home” is shown. Home is the name of the static landing page. I cannot figure out how to remove that reference. It looks like it is trying to include the Home page as a text area – but all of the Text Areas options are set to Disabled.

    Website: www.sacpc.org


    Hi Even I am facing the same issue, on the bottom of my landing page there is a text field called “HOME” which I can’t seem to remove.

    Website: beelijaanveer.com


    Any further word on this issue? Continued to poke around in the site setting but cannot disable the “Home” page reference.

    Website: www.sacpc.org


    As a work around I have kept my home page title blank, but have included a label as home in my primary navigation pointing to this unlitled page, so that I have a home section on my Nav bar, this way the “Home” thing is not displayed in my page but available on my nav. But the real issue is still there taking up some space on my landing page, but at least its not visible for now.

    • This reply was modified 7 years ago by behind13.
    • This reply was modified 7 years ago by behind13.

    Have you tried setting Customize->Settings->Landing Page->Featured Content to DISABLED? That’s what makes it show or not show on mine.


    Yes to setting “Customize->Settings->Landing Page->Featured Content” to disabled. All text areas are set to disabled. Also, text areas show differently than the way the home page title shows so I don’t think it is the text areas setting that is driving this issue… this seems like a bug.

    I can take the same approach noted in the response from behind13 above – but I’d rather understand why this is happening so I can eliminate the issue and not have the extra landing page space.


    Weird. I’m not having that problem.


    IT is kind of strange. Is the page you’ve defined as your home page blank?


    No, my homepage isn’t blank. But I just made it blank (mine isn’t published yet, so I can fool around with things without anyone seeing) and disabled it on Settings->Landing Page->Featured Content and it doesn’t show the title (Home).

    Cryout Creations mastermind

    The theme can display either the static page (default) the posts lists or nothing at the bottom of the landing page.

    Adjust the landing page featured content option and set it to disabled if you don’t want to display your static homepage there.

    Your site also appears to be using caching, so you may not see option changes instantly.

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