Header Size on mobile and footer credit Question

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  • #39955

    Hi! I first wanted to thank you for creating such a powerful yet simple, elegant, and amazingly versatile theme. I’ve been designing a website for a client and it’s been a complete lifesaver. Definitely my favorite wordpress theme to work with (free and premium!)

    I have two questions on behalf of my client, the first is: Is there a way to set a size for the header and menu height for just the mobile phone view? The settings work perfectly on computers and tablets in different browsers, but my client wasn’t happy with how much space the header takes up when viewed on a phone.

    My second question: she’s not crazy about having ‘powered by Fluida and wordpress’ in the footer. Somewhere on the forum I saw someone mention that purchasing priority support allows one to remove the footer credit from a site. She wants to know if it’s accurate, how much it costs and if it’s a one-time or reoccurring fee. On my part, I think the credit is well deserved for creating an excellent theme. Just wanted to know how to answer her question.

    Thank you so much! Have a wonderful evening.

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