Featured image not shown on post page??

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  • #34067

    Is that right? The featured image of a post isnt shown on post view? I testet all formats, all without the featured image. Just on presentation page as slider, column picture and so on… but not on post page…

    Or is there somewhere an option Ive not found???

    Thx for help! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Veranda Victoria

    I’m having the same difficulty. (running wordpress 4.3.1 with Nirvana 1.1.3)
    I googled already everything. My setttings are as following but I still cant see the ‘featured images as post header image’

    defined header image with 1050×200 (i didnt want it the whole 1200 due to resize/scalling on mobile devices which would make it too small)

    Header Settings:
    header size: 200px
    header image: centered horizontally, force responsiveness

    Featured Image Settings:
    image as thumbnale: enabled
    auto select image: enabled (wouldnt need it tho)
    alignment: left
    size: 300×175
    featured image as header image: enabled

    but even though all my images are JPG and the featured images of my posts are wider than 1200, the featured image is not shown as the header, but instead it still shows the normal header.


    I dont want to view my featured images as header. But I tested your issue and it worked for me. But only with images bigger or equal than the normal header. So I cant copy your issue :-/

    My problem is, that I dont see any featured image at all. The theme dont show me any thumbnail on the post page. As header yes, not inside (or above or whereever) the post content. ๐Ÿ™

    Cryout Creations mastermind

    Mike, are you displaying your posts full or as excerpts?

    The theme will display the featured images only with excerpts.

    If you like our creations, help us share by rating them on WordPress.org.
    Please check the available documentation and search the forums before starting a topic.

    Thx Zed,

    in excerpt view on welcome page or cotegory overviews the featured image is shown. No problem!
    But if a single post is shown to read more, the image is missing.
    You say, the image is just shown in excerpts… Ok, then – in think – this is my answer. Thx!

    I’m not a pro to csustomize the theme files ๐Ÿ™

    br Mike

    confined World

    I also have a problem like that. Please help me.

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