Custom Menu Tabs not correct color

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  • #8458
    Felix Futuri

    Just a fyi. I found a work around for this little “bug” but thought I would let you know.

    When I created a custom menu with sub items..the tab shows as being active whether it is or not. So on home page, it looks like “home” and “coaching” are both active.

    When I use the same set up but with the default pages menu, it works fine.
    It’s a brand new install, no plug ins (yet).

    Now on the site I am not using the custom menu, just the pages, but in the future I may need to use a custom menu. Any ideas?

    Cryout Creations mastermind

    That only happens if you leave links blank (or use #) since WordPress believes they link to the homepage and marks them as “current”. It is not a bug.

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