Conflicts with jQuery Bootstrap

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  • #118507

    I was previously using Serious Slider on a site with the Septera theme and was always very happy with it. However, I recently installed it on another site using the Hestia theme and the animated transitions are not working at all. The images change and the text is animated, but the images themselves do not transition with the selected animation. They just pop from one image to the next (see URL test page), no slide, no fade, none of the transitions work. I made sure that all slide images are the same size… 1200 x 600, and the slider is also 1200 x 600.

    To troubleshoot, I installed a plugin called Asset CleanUp so I could disable various JavaScripts on a test page without breaking the rest of my site. Through trial & error, I discovered that Serious Slider only works properly when the jQuery Bootstrap (v3.3.7) JavaScript file is removed. I thought this could be a workaround until I discovered that Hestia’s mobile menus will not work when jQuery Bootstrap is disabled.

    Blame Hestia, but I don’t want to replace the Hestia theme since the site is in production. Any suggestions?

    Thank you!


    Cryout Creations mastermind


    Our Serious Slider plugin is Bootstrap-based so it includes the needed Bootstrap styling and JavaScript to make it work. We tried to make it self-contained so that it doesn’t expand its styling and code on anything else in the content that may also be using Bootstrap (and its classnames/IDs), however it is not possible to protect for the reverse situation without completely rewriting the Bootstrap identifiers.
    As such, the slider may be interfered with or malfunction completely if something else on the site use Bootstrap too and applies its styling/code too generally.

    If you like our creations, help us share by rating them on
    Please check the available documentation and search the forums before starting a topic.

    Thank you for your response.

    … the slider may be interfered with or malfunction completely if something else on the site use Bootstrap too and applies its styling/code too generally.

    This is very disappointing as I really wanted to make your slider plugin work here. Since BootStrap is such a widely used component, it would have spared me tons of wasted time if you had mentioned this potential conflict someplace on your WordPress repository page.

    FWIW for anyone reading: I switched to Slide Anything which is working flawlessly without Bootstrap conflicts.

    • This reply was modified 3 years ago by sparky672.

    Apparently this slider won’t work on themes that use bootstrap v4.1.1. ?

    According to the Theme developers for Posthemes Artfurniture.

    Your plugin use bootstrap v3.3.1. It doesn’t work on bootstrap v4.1.1
    Pls, You can contact to provider plugin to upgrade this”

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