Button style different since Nirvana update

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  • #71560
    Power User


    I updated Nirvana and thanks to your “How To” I updates the child theme aswell and nearly everythings looks like it ues to…

    …except some default buttons.
    They looked like this:
    And now they look like this:

    They are displayed on this Site.

    Is there a way to use the old buttons again or to style the new buttons so that they look identical?

    I tried some custom CSS in the child theme but nothing changed:

    a.continue-reading-link {
        color: #2675A6;
    		border: 2px solid transparent;
        border-color: #2675A6;
    .vc_custom_heading a:focus, .vc_custom_heading a:hover{
    	color: white;
    		border: 2px solid transparent;

    Any help is appreciated.

    Website: diegewissen.de

    • This topic was modified 6 years ago by dgweb2016.
    Power User

    I placed the code above in to the “Curstom CSS” field in the “Customizer” of wordpress. This seems to work as intended and it prooves that I used the correct code.

    So why doesn’t it work when I place the code into the style.css of the child theme?

    Cryout Creations mastermind

    The order styles are applied usually matters when trying to override previous styling.
    Prepending body to the identifiers will make them specific enought to work in either field.

    The buttons still have their borders in the theme, but the styling cleanup and optimization done for 1.5 most likely made it so that now the visual composer plugin overlaps it, specifically:

    .vc_custom_heading a, .vc_custom_heading a:focus, .vc_custom_heading a:hover, .vc_custom_heading a:visited {
       border: none;
       color: inherit;

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