Good Day!
Just started using Mantra on a new project & found a tiny bug. In the header, I am using a custom logo. The blog is not at the root directory (in the blog subdirectory). Everything looked fine until I clicked the logo and I ended up at the root…
I took a looked in includes/theme-functions.php
and on line 120, found:
if (isset($mantra_logoupload) && ($mantra_logoupload != '')) :
echo '<div><a id="logo" href="/" ><img title="" alt=""
src="'.$mantra_logoupload.'" /></a></div>'; endif;
which works fine if the web site is at the root. I saw in line 110 that the href value is derived correctly: href="'.esc_url( home_url( '/' ) ).'"
I did the substitution in line 120 and it now works perfectly.
If that follows your coding practice, feel free to use the fix! 🙂
Thanks again for the great theme!