Parabola 0.9.9 is one step closer to “gold”

Well here’s something new: both me and Zed wrote intros for Parabola’s latest release. Somebody didn’t check existing drafts (not pointing any fingers… because it was me) and so we each wrote something and we can’t just throw that away.

So while there’s nothing really that special about this release, here are the two intros for it:

Parabola 0.9.8 is boiling hot!

Just like we promised, we bring you a fresh new version of Parabola right at your doorstep. Careful how you handle it cause this one’s hot!
Apart from extra sugar and extra cream we also included a couple of responsiveness fixes, updated to the newest version of Nivo Slider, moved a few options around and added a dropdown menu shadow setting.

Delicious, I know! But check out the complete list of ingredients.

Parabola download/install issue fixed; grab it now from WordPress

Just a quick update for those that had issues with the Parabola installation. We’ve presented the problem to the guys at WordPress and the issue was that one of the servers had a bad ZIP of the theme and that’s why there was a chance that upon download you’d get the bad file. But it’s all fixed now, all thanks to the great guys at WordPress.

So go get yourself a new fresh copy of Parabola if you’ve had problems with the download till now. Theme on!

Parabola 0.9.7(.2) gets approved by WordPress

Yay! Parabola has been (finally) approved by Wordpress, so it should become live in the next couple of hours/days (who knows… weeks?). and is now live and available for install with just two clicks!

There’s a bit of version mess because of the needed last minute changes required for approval. All three versions (0.9.7, and are mostly the same, the latter two coming with small changes that don’t affect the functionality in any way.

How to use the Category Page with Intro template in our themes

Our themes (including Mantra and Parabola) feature a special page template titled “Category Page with Intro” which allows us to display a category of posts coupled with a custom intro to that category.

This is a page template, so it will show up in the page templates list when creating/editing a page while using one of our themes. What is typed into the page content is what Wordpress will display as the intro on the category.

The new PARABOLA theme is out now!

You probably haven’t been waiting for it that much but nevertheless here it is. The newest Cryout Creations theme is finally available for download. We’ve tested it as much as we could but it’s still practically a beta until you guys get a go with it.

Parabola is just as free as Mantra, the forum is already live and we’re looking forward to getting feedback from you guys. Download link after the jump.

How to hide the WordPress admin bar

This is a pretty straightforward how-to. We’ve seen this asked so much around the web and answered so poorly that we decided to try and make it a little clearer.

As this is actually a WordPress option there’s no PHP code that you must insert, there are no CSS tricks you must do and there’s no plugin that you must install. Just a couple of clicks.

Parabola Theme beta preview

So our mysterious creation that’s been keeping us busy for a while now – Parabola – has reached beta stage.

It is now near its final design and all options have been implemented, while we are working on chasing out the bugs and testing that all options do in fact perform as they’re supposed to.