Parabola 1.0 is yours to take home!

Parabola’s 12 built-in colour schemes

Our latest WordPress theme, Parabola, has finally reached version 1.0. Apart from increasing stability and greatly improving responsiveness, this version also introduces 12 preset color schemes. You can now switch between 12 different looks for your site with just one mouse click. Go check them out then come back and give us some feedback.

In the meanwhile here’s the changelog:

  • added colour schemes support and 12 built-in colour schemes: default, skyline, chocolate cake, shades of gray, night and day, so fresh and so clean, mid nightmare, bloody delight, retro icecream, autumn rose, bleached landscape and basket case
  • changed site description styling to be covered by the caps disable option
  • added two new font sizes for content and menu for better compatibility with fonts
  • fixed main menu (sub)-sub-menu font-size to be relative to configured font size
  • removed default background colour for site description
  • updated translation files with the new strings
  • add the first Parabola translation – Italian (thanks to Mirko Milani)
  • presentation page column images should no longer enlarge on mobile devices
  • fixed (yet another) header responsiveness issue
  • fixed a compatibility issue with NextGen Gallery plugin
  • styled the <!–more–> and html excerpt continue reading links
  • improved presentation page to handle empty title and image column fields
  • improved featured image as header image functionality to display the correctly sized image in the header
  • improved dashboard jQuery check


Parabola is a light, sharp and seriously configurable free WordPress theme by Cryout Creations. For more info check out the theme's page.


  1. Hi Guys,

    Beautiful theme! I was just curious if there is a way to add more of the text/photo boxes to the front page. I’d like to have more like 9 instead of 3 (what a lovely 3 they are though!).


  2. Hi!
    Why if I change the Design I lose all the changes I made to the presentation page? I had 2 sidebars one column and if I change back to just 1 column every change I made is lost (color scheme, pictures I uploaded to the slider, etc).
    Also, is there a way to place an image in the side bar, but a different one for each page?
    Thank you very much!

  3. Hi,
    Thank you for this theme. I may be using it for a WordPress website I am making, but have some issues that need to be fixed, before I can make it definite. Could you help me on these issues:

    – lay out in browsers like Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari and Google Chrome is not the same. Also, if you make the screen smaller, the site stays the same width. So you miss a part of the site. How can I fix this?
    – I have a corner logo plugin that works fine on alle pages, exept the front/presentation page. How can I make it working on the front page?
    Hope you can help me!
    Kind regards.

  4. Great theme! It’s so not blog-like 🙂 Love that!


    Is there any way to “align-center” navigation menu?
    Any chance to stop the slider after one or two full loops?
    Any possibility to add sliders to posts and pages other than presentation page?

    I would be really thankful if you answer 🙂

    And thanks a lot for this great theme.

  5. Hello! Thank you for the great themes! I like them very much. I have 2 small issue.
    Is there a premium support in Russian?
    How to make links “About” and “Contact” above the icons of social networks, like the Parabola demo in the top right corner of the header?
    Thank you!

  6. Hi guys,
    Thanks for this new theme – it has everything I was looking for, the ability to create a rich look and feel yet easy to customize and play around with. I was a big fan of the Mantra theme as well, but I think I like this one better.

    Any chance of creating a “feature boxes” shortcode type thing? Like where we can add a call to action button or pricing table? I’ve been looking for a reasonably priced (I’m raising a teenager, so that’s where my money goes;-) theme or even a plugin and the ones I have found are extremely buggy (i.e. full of bugs) and don’t work well.


  7. Hi there,

    I am having major issues with getting a color scheme to “stick” to my site. No matter what scheme I choose, it simply won’t change from the default “white” background, purple and blue links. Am I doing something wrong? I don’t really understand what the problem is.


    1. There is no default white background, purple and blue links. Parabola’s default default scheme has orange links.
      Looking at your website URL, it looks just fine. Do you still have this issue?

      1. Hi Kay, what I meant was the total width.

        For now it is 1050px, which consists of content 800px, sidebar 250px.
        How do I make the total width to 1150px?

        I need more space horizontally.

        Another thing, my sub navigation menu font size appears 1px size smaller than the parent navigation menu. Before I updated to Parabola 1.0, it was 1px size bigger! How do I make the font sizes the same?


        1. Hi Anna!

          In the Mantra Settings page you have Layout Settings. There you have a slider where you can select the widths you want.

          Also if you want the sub-menus the same font-size as the menus paste this in the Custom CSS area:

          #access ul ul ul a {font-size:14px !important;}

          You can replace that 14px value with whatever value you have selected for the menu font-size.

  8. I’ve changed the default all Caps option, to the newer Upper Case/and lower case option. It works on most of the site except for the Tagline is still in all Caps. I really don’t like it that way. I’ve changed to several different fonts to try to fix this problem but still does it even in Arial. Is there a setting i need to change? I love this Theme!!!! Great job guys. Bambi

      1. I’m helping a friend set up a website using Parabola, but am unable to get the site title to display as Camel Case. I updated to the 1.3.0 version of the template, but am still unable to affect the site title case. Changing the site-description to lower case works fine, by the way. Something I’m missing?

        Any advice anyone can provide would be appreciated.

  9. I found a bug I think. When I change color schemes initially, it works. I can keep changing color schemes with no problem, and the site renders just fine. However, when I switch back to Parabola default, I lose ALL my theme settings and it switches everything back to default including the settings and the color scheme. Please fix this. Great work guys!

  10. my posts dont seem to display the pictures even when i correct them from the settings. i did check all my graphics settings, post settings and post expert settings. is there anything else im missing.

  11. Great template! I really like using it for my website. Also really like the alternate font/text options this latest release offers

    I had some issues where my featured image replaced the header image on a few pages. Removing the featured image fixed the problem, but re-adding it in put it back onto my header. I can’t figure out why it is doing this so I left the featured image off on a few pages. Any idea what could be causing this?

    Any way to increase text size for widgets in footer area? I am using the “so fresh so clean” font setting

    Thanks again for the great template!

    1. You must have mistakenly enabled the “Featured image as header image” option under “Featured Image Settings”. You shouldn’t enable options without checking out what they do (or at least reading the hint)

  12. Has anyone noticed whether Parabola has been having display issues in certain browsers? I designed my site with Parabola and on my computer using Google Chrome, it looks perfect. I’ve viewed it in practically every other major browser and it has display issues. Any thoughts?

    1. Aside a slight font rendering between Safari and all other browsers (which all render the same), I see no difference.
      Could you post some example screenshots of what you see in different browsers?

      1. Zed- Yes, I will try at least. I’m not sure if they allow image attachments here.

        How you have viewed the site in your browsers is how it should be. The standard Parabola appearance, minus the color adjustments and background pattern.

        A few web browsers, IE10, Safari, and even a friend using Google Chrome (which is what I’m using) have seen the site have a white background with a blue header. It looked nothing like my site. Let me see if I can get a photo in here somehow. I apologize, I’m not a techy by any stretch. I’m learning as I go with this.


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