Parabola 0.9.7(.2) gets approved by WordPress

Yay! Parabola has been (finally) approved by WordPress, so it should become live in the next couple of hours/days (who knows… weeks?). and is now live and available for install with just two clicks!

There’s a bit of version mess because of the needed last minute changes required for approval.Β  All three versions (0.9.7, and are mostly the same, the latter two coming with small changes that don’t affect the functionality in any way.

And here’s the changelog:

  • theme background colour options no longer forcefully overrides WP’s background colour option –
  • fixed multi-level menus in top/footer menus to not display submenus (as they don’t support that) –
  • fixed extremely long words don’t wrap in posts/pages/titles –
  • improved hex2rgba function to not output wrong default colour on garbage input
  • fixed Jetpack comment form being too narow
  • fixed presentation page “hide X area” options applying on all pages (reported by Mag)
  • extended presentation page “hide main menu” option to include the top menu as well (if exists)
  • fixed top menu background colour on hover was never used (reported by Mag)
  • fixed jQuery version checking on WP 3.6 (reported by Detlef)
  • fixed admin accordion compatibility with WP 3.6.
  • fixed comments link appearing over plugins overlays (z-index too high)
  • fixed the (previously) fixed widget container max width
Parabola is a light, sharp and seriously configurable free WordPress theme by Cryout Creations. For more info check out the theme's page.


    1. Leave the content background and sidebar widgets background colour fields empty (to make them transparent) then add a partially (20%-30%) transparent PNG image on the content wrapper area:
      #forbottom { background: url(path-to-your-semi-transparent-image.png) repeat; }

  1. I encountered the same issue “missing *something*” when trying to install via WordPress. Must be an issue with the zip stored by WordPress, the transfer or the install procedure itself.
    I deleted the unusable Parabola folder and retried the install and the third time it worked.
    We don’t know what’s causing this so if the first install fails, delete the Parabola folder via FTP/file manager and retry the install.

    1. It seems to be the weird WP installer. I would suggest trying to make the update from a different browser and if that fails as well the only option left is to manually install the theme.

      Download Parabola from here: and follow the steps under Mixed or Manual installation from our tutorial:

      We’re still searching for a reason as to why this happens.

    1. Is your WordPress installation up to date? We actually got that error on an old installation but after updating to WP 3.6 the error disappeared. It must be some WordPress installer issue, we’ll investigate this further.

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