Parabola 0.9.9 is one step closer to “gold”

Well here’s something new: both me and Zed wrote intros for Parabola’s latest release. Somebody didn’t check existing drafts (not pointing any fingers… because it was me) and so we each wrote something and we can’t just throw that away. So while there’s nothing really that special about this release, here are the two intros for it:

Zed: Here it is, the latest incarnation of Parabola. The 0.9.9 update is a maintenance update, clearing a couple of issues and adding several of options.

We consider this the final step before 1.0 which will (theoretically) be the final (“gold” as game developers call them) version of the theme and officially out of beta status.

Kay: Probably the final step before the great 1.0 version sees the light of day. It’s the last of the ‘beta’ updates so this gets us one step closer to perfection. And although we know we may never reach it, that doesn’t mean we’ll stop trying.

Even though you get two intros there’s really just one changelog. And here it is:

  • added meta area background “accented” setting
  • added option to disable the uppercase styling used in the theme by defaut on certain elements
  • added category description styling
  • improved the rgb function converter to check all colour codes and only outputted on correct value (and avoid outputting black backgrounds/shadows on Firefox) – this also fixes the menu shadow option
  • improved site-description to only use padding-left when a background colour is set
  • updated the translation files for the latest strings
  • fixed mobile menu missing on iThings when using automatic menus

Kay (outro): We’d also like to thank all of you for the feedback you’ve been giving us; it’s really helping a lot whether it’s in the form of bug reports, suggestions or love/hate notes. It’s a “help us help you” situation that seems to be working pretty great. Keep up the good work guys!

Parabola is a light, sharp and seriously configurable free WordPress theme by Cryout Creations. For more info check out the theme's page.


  1. Amazing theme. Just a problem,

    on the presentation page i disabled all the bottom text 1 and 2 and i added footer widget below. Then it has this big space in between my page slider and my footer widget, it looks so weird!

    Help me 🙁

  2. Good day !
    First of all to thank you for your theme .
    I’m testing your theme and after making changes in the “Settings Parabola” I discovered that if you change or remove the content that comes standard in Miscellaneous Settings, also cancel the changes made to disappear Color Settings and backgrounds, colors chosen for texts, etc.,.
    Please , How can I fix it?

    Thanks in advance …!


  3. Fantastic theme, guys. We’re currently using it for the prototype of a major site overhaul and finding the level of customisation to be outstanding.

    It’s probably not the place for feature requests but I’m gonna put it here anyway… For the social widget, can you make it so the email link can go anywhere? We’d like to make it point to a contact form on the site but it currently insists on pre-pending mailto: to the link.

    Thanks, and keep up the good work!

    1. The email image is meant to link to an email address.
      After v1.0 we’ll include the steps for adding custom social icons in the FAQs so you’ll be able to add your own email image linking to whatever you wish.

    1. You might have gotten a corrupt theme archive from WordPress’ servers.
      Delete the wp-content/themes/parabola folder from your website (via file manager/ftp) and try to reinstall the theme.

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