New site and other goodies

new-site If you’re reading this from our site then you surely noticed a few things have changed. Our new site has a brand new look, a new static front page, new theme pages with detailed information and quick support links to places like the forum, documentation or priority support.

The old ‘news’ section is now called the blog. That’s where you’ll find all the latest info like changelogs and other important theme notices.

The forums have also received an overhaul that we think will improve usability. We’ve also added user accounts, that you can create for free. Creating a free account will enable you to post in the comments and the forum and will greatly help us fight spam. A free user account also grants you your own account page on our site which allows you to keep track of your comments, forum posts, subscriptions and more. You can also elevate that free account to a premium account by opting for priority support.

All special goodies like the footer link removal instructions and even the warm and fuzzy feeling will become available on the account page.

In the next few days we’ll also add social login as an option and we’ll generally work on improving the user experience in the blog and forum sections of the site. Until then, we’re looking forward to your feedback.


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