Mantra 2.1 is all grown up

Mantra is all grown up now. The latest 2.1 update brings a cosmetic update of the settings page, together with quite a few other general fixes and improvements. Responsiveness, performance and ease of use have all been polished for a better all-round user experience.

And here’s the complete changelog:

  • cosmetic update of the admin interface; sub-section settings should be easier to spot now
  • updated NivoSlider (fixes a double-load of the frontpage which may increase site loading time)
  • fixed the <!–more–> tag functionality on blog page template (reported by Olrik)
  • added header image Keep aspect ratio option for responsiveness
  • fixed Featured image as header image functionality to display the correctly sized image in the header (reported by Fulco)
  • fixed mobile menu not working with automatically generated menus
  • fixed mobile icon responsiveness on Safari for mobile
  • fixed sticky posts padding on Magazine layout and mobile
  • fixed unordered lists bullet image positioning
  • top and bottom menus now only show the top level elements (sub-menus are not displayed)
  • fixed small issue with the search-bar on Chrome
  • improved dashboard jQuery functionality check
Mantra is a clean, highly configurable and totally free WordPress theme. For more info check out the theme's page.


  1. Hi,

    I was pleasantly surprised to read my name in you changelog above, because you did a fix on the header images dimensions settings, after my post on that issue in the forum.

    Meanwhile I entered a new post, since I don’t get what I am doing wrong with my (rather large) images. Despite the fix you did, some pic’s still are not displayed as neat as I would like them to appear.

    Please look into that post as well and leave a reply.

    Keep up the good work…..


  2. Hey guys,

    I am wondering how to get rid of the white dotted line separating my main column from the column bar on the right side. Is there a way to do this is the Mantra settings? Thanks a bunch

  3. I like Mantra very much. Thank you for such good product!

    But I have a question. How can my mobile users switch on a full version? There’s no any buttons or links. And I don’t know how I can do them.

    For example, I prefer full version of my site when I see it on smartphone. But I can’t switch it on if Responsiveness is enable. So I can’t use Responsiveness at all. Help me, please!

  4. Also, Would it be possible to update the Social Media Icons in Mantra? They look really old school, while they look so much more modern in Parabola.

    Maybe one could say the user could do it himself with the proper sized images he wishes to use, but still, a more contemporary design for default would be welcome, I believe.

    1. Adding a custom icon upload for the socials is something that we’ve been planning to do for some time now. We still can’t give you an estimate of when that will happen because customizable options have a tendency to go wrong if not used properly and we want to prevent that.

      What we can tell you is that we will update the current icons for version 2.2.

  5. Which one would you recommend for speed and lightness, Parabola or Mantra?
    Mantra of course is probably more mature, but lightness is advertised as Parabola theme’s asset.

    For maximum performance which one should one pick between the two?

    1. Personally, I’d recommend Parabola.
      Mantra still has a couple of options that need improvement, but keeping backwards compatibility is preventing us from making radical changes.

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