Nirvana 1.6(.1/.2) rises from its ashes



  • Fixed missing Fitvids conditionality check causing videos to be enlarged on desktop browsers as well
  • Restored ‘entry-content’ class on ‘pp-afterslider’ container to restore missing styling on presentation page elements since 1.6.0


  • Added Skip to Content link
  • Added underline to content links
  • Added keyboard navigation to main menu and mobile menu


  • Added comment labels/placeholder option (to improve compatibility with comments-related plugins)
  • Added nirvana_mainnav_id and nirvana_mainnav_class filters to ease support for mega menu plugins
  • Added required extra sanitization and tested up to/required PHP headers
  • Added site title text on header image title attribute
  • Cleaned up some unused code and moved some settings page functionality to the companion Serious Settings plugin (v0.5.13)
  • Updated bundled FitVids script to v1.1.0
  • Fixed color picker not working and rendered inline in the settings
  • Fixed settings tooltips unreadable due to jQuery UI transparency and color changes since WordPress 5.6
  • Fixed jQuery functions deprecation warnings from jQuery 3.5 update brought by WordPress 5.6
  • Fixed mobile menu dropdowns not working correctly with jQuery 3.5
  • Fixed jQuery functions deprecation warning in bundled NivoSlider
  • Fixed jQuery undefined functions errors with WordPress 5.7
  • Fixed admin page styling applies outside its elements (on media upload form)
  • Fixed general font selector including itself
  • Fixed header elements line height discrepancy when header image is set to maintain ratio
  • Fixed linked images with captions sometimes not being clickable
  • Fixed presentation page hint link invalid with subfolder WordPress installs
  • Removed built-in JS/styling protection, variables count and jQuery version alerts from settings page code
  • Removed legacy favicon functionality completely as this is no longer allowed in repository themes
  • Removed <head> title backwards compatibility
Nirvana is a seriously configurable and responsive WordPress theme, with both wide and boxed layouts. For more info check out the theme's page.

One Comment

  1. after updating to 1.6.1 the titles of the sticky posts are restricted to 1 line causing long titles to overlay over the first line. How can we roll back the update?

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