Nirvana 1.2.4 learns new things about microformats

While the school year is coming to an end, learning time is never over for Nirvana.

This is a maintenance update which improves microformats support, adds new theme tags (and removes old ones) and fixes several CSS and content issues.


  • Added author role meta to improve microformats
  • Added time updated and published meta to improve microformats
  • Added new theme tags (and removed deprecated ones)
  • Improved breadcrumbs function, added post formats support
  • Fixed #content dd/td font size and line height
  • Optimized CSS layout and fixed several typos
  • Removed duplicate title attribute on featured images anchors
  • Updated all instances of the search form (searchform.php, menu hooks) and replaced IDs with classes
Nirvana is a seriously configurable and responsive WordPress theme, with both wide and boxed layouts. For more info check out the theme's page.