Mantra’s minor setback

Bad mantra yesterday… or was that karma…

Well anyway… Mantra encountered its first minor setback yesterday, getting rejected by the WordPress reviewers, apparently the main issue being, quote: “does not clear float elements correctly”. Although we have not encountered this issue on our test systems (and do keep in mind we also use it right here, on Riot Reactions) this is too little of a bump to send us crying back to our mommies.

Mr. Kay, being the workaholic that he is, already submitted the updated revision to WordPress. He actually submitted two new revisions, just to make sure 😀

So no need to worry, Mantra WILL be approved and will be available for download as soon at it is approved, so you will all be able to enjoy the most versatile WordPress theme yet.

Mantra is a clean, highly configurable and totally free WordPress theme. For more info check out the theme's page.


  1. Greetings,

    The widget for searching has a formatting issue. The “OK” only displays “K” and it is front of the search field.

    Many thanks!

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