Blog template with excerpts ?

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  • #9803

    I made a page with the “blog template” option. Everything is fine except that the page shows the full posts and not the excerpts. I precise that these excerpts appears when the posts appears in a specific category.
    I suppose that there’s a little modification to do in the template-blog.php but it’s a bit difficult for me. If someone knows the solution…
    Thanks by advance.


    OK, I found the “post excerpts settings” option. But the problem is now that the articles are cut after à precise number of words (50) whereas all my articles are cut at the end of a sentence with the “more text” option of the wordpress post editor. Moreover, each article begins with a picture which diseappears now.
    To have an idea, here is a link of my photography category :
    Yes, I know, it’s not Parabola. In fact I’m making test with Theme Test Drive before changing the theme. It’s just to give an exemple of what I mean and what I would like to see in this Posts page.

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