Kahuna 1.0 is a free theme on WordPress.org

Kahuna WordPress Theme

Actually, our latest WordPress theme- Kahuna has been available on WordPress.org for quite some time now. We just got a little bit carried away with finalizing the Plus version for Fluida that we kind of forgot. But anyway, this is the official announcement: it’s alive.

The Kahuna theme and images

Just like our previous theme Anima, Kahuna is built around images. Although it works just as well without them, we really encourage using featured images for all your posts. This way all your post metas will appear while hovering the images with a swift and neat effect. Here, have a look:

Kahuna Header Title


Single post and header titles

Header titles have carried over from Anima, although just the title and breadcrumbs are now inside the header area. We’ve moved the meta information inside the content area for this one. Post navigation (previous/next post) is absolute (although static is always an option from the customizer settings) and animates nicely from the edges of the screen when hovered over. This way it’s always there but it stays out of the way unless needed.

Kahuna Theme - Single Post

Design and features

In terms of design we went for an extremely clean design, with straight lines and corners, bold fonts and subtle yet powerful animations. We chose lime green as accent color for this particular theme but of course it’s changeable from the customizer (along with all other colors).

Need we mention the usual suspects in terms of features for our themes? Features like responsiveness, great customization options, socials, typography, Google fonts, multi-language, right-to-left support, lightweight, landing page, slider? Nah, we’re not gonna mention those. But they are all there.

Kahuna WordPress Theme

For more information about our Kahuna WordPress theme, here are some useful links. Kahuna is completely free and although the screenshots and live demo are a great representation of the theme, there’s nothing like a live preview on your actual site to give you an idea of what it can do. Have fun!




  • Fixed landing page static image responsiveness and improved compatibility with Serious Slider
  • Fixed widgets losing padding on screens smaller than 1024px for sidebars with a background color set
  • Post metas are now always visible over the featured images on screens smaller than 800px
  • Fixed breadcrumbs under the header having too much padding on mobile
  • Added alt attribute to landing page text area images
  • Fixed notice in custom styling


  • Fixed image background color on landing page featured boxes
  • Adjusted breadcrumbs background
  • Fixed theme overriding some Serious Slider buttons styling
  • Fixed site tagline misaligned on homepage header when landing page is not used
  • Removed ‘comment-list’ and ‘search-form’ from add_theme_support(‘html5’) per review request
Kahuna is the big kahuna among WordPress themes. For more info check out the theme's page.


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