Arcanum – Our second official child theme

Arcanum is an official child theme for our latest WordPress theme – Esotera. It retains all the features and settings from Esotera as well as its everlasting love for gradients, adding just a bit more… roundness.

We cut no corners with this child theme; we rounded them. We also changed the default color scheme and fonts, and changed the look of articles on blog pages. Quite a few other changes are present but they’re all minor and style related.

Arcanum is a child theme of Esotera so it behaves 100% like it. All the customizer settings are still present and work just like they do in Esotera. Arcanum’s personality is also available as an option in Esotera Plus so you get extra styling and you get extra styling and… everybody gets extra styling.

You can find Arcanum on, just sitting there, ready for download. Or look for it on your WordPress dashboard. Have fun!

Esotera is a colorful WordPress theme with a great set of features. For more info check out the theme's page.


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