Pop-up Log-in Related to Zombie Theme

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  • #3848
    Kim Jen Illin

    Sorry, I just sent this in an email and then realized there was a forum. Here is the message I sent:


    Hi there,


    I am using a theme for WordPress created by you guys – it’s called Zombie Apocalypse version 1.36. A few weeks back I begun receiving a pop-up log-in window every time I logged into the dashboard of WordPress AND every time I move to a new page or screen in the dashboard. It says the following, and the only way to get rid of it is to hit ‘Cancel’ rather than logging in:


    To view this page, you must log in to area “durangorollergirls.com” on durangorollergirls.com:80.


    As you can imagine, this is pretty obnoxious. After a lot of trial and error, my web host provider (who hosts off of a hybrid server environment) and I have narrowed it down to the theme. We went so far as to re-install WordPress and start from scratch.


    I would like to continue using your theme, and am wondering if this issue can be fixed. I can send you a screenshot of the message I am receiving. If you need more technical  information you can contact my web host provider: Jim Kerr jim@advancedalgorythms.com.


    Thank you for your attention and response to this matter.


    Kim Jen Illin

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