Landing Page Features Not Working

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  • #119314

    I have activated and set a static page as the home page in my settings, as well as made sure that Landing Page is enabled but none of the features under landing page are working. Featured Icon Blocks, Featured Boxes, Text Areas, etc nothing is showing up when I enable any of them and assign pages/posts. What am I missing?

    • This topic was modified 3 years ago by kbushong.
    Cryout Creations mastermind


    What are you seeing on the site’s homepage?

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    Please check the available documentation and search the forums before starting a topic.

    It shows the header with an image and the static page below it. I have a blank page set to the homepage now, but if I put another page with content it only shows that static page.

    I noticed slider settings make some changes, but it’s only partially working. The only option that works is Header image. Outside of that, it won’t even show a header and will only show the static page.


    I was able to get it working by disabling all my plugins and re-enabling one by one.


    Hello, I am having similar issues. I have set the home page as a static page and then created some landing page features along side this. Now the static page itself will not show up at all. I have tried even connecting other pages as the static page and does not work. I tried deactivating all plug ins and then reactivating them but did not work. Can someone assist me as I am really stumped at how to get around this bug with the theme.


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