Customize Mobile-Menu Functionality?

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  • #118282
    Power User

    Hello Zed and team Cryout! This one is totally stumping me, but that’s nothing new. ; ) Would this be possible with CSS?

    Background: As you know when the regular menu is active, on screens greater than 800px wide, hovering over a parent item opens the submenu, and a user can go to any page, or they can move their mouse away to disengage the menu.

    However when the mobile menu is active, parent menu items open with a tap, and then if tapped again, they go to that page. There’s no way for a visitor to close a menu if they don’t like what they see there.

    Would it be possible to add a forward arrow on the mobile menu, after the parent menu text, which opens and closes the submenu (perhaps changing to a down arrow when it’s open), whereas tapping the parent menu item text would do what it normally does, go to that page?


    Power User


    There’s no way for a visitor to close a menu if they don’t like what they see there.

    They can tap the menu icon again and the whole menu, including open submenu(s), will close. So this is really not a big deal.

    But if there were a snazzy way to let users just open and close a submenu without visiting a new page, as is possible with a mouse, I would still very much like to learn that.

    Power User

    Hello Cryout! I guess I’m not the only one who’s stumped. ; )

    After struggling with plug-ins I found one that works (SlickNav). So anyone working on this would see that implemented on my site. But over here on my testing site,, I’ll leave it with the default Mantra mobile-menu. On that site, it’s “Page the First” that is the parent menu. I would still ideally like to customize this on my regular site ( if possible rather than using a plug-in.


    • This reply was modified 3 years ago by Drobb.
    • This reply was modified 3 years ago by Drobb.
    Power User

    Thanks Darlene — I’m fine with SlickNav for the time being.

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