Change the size of headings

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  • #55339

    Hi everybody,

    thank you for this wonderfull theme!

    I am trying to reduce the size oh the headings, thus I tried Customize > Typography > Content Fonts > headings.
    The minimum selection is 100% but it is still quite large for me. Is there a workaround?





    I found this piece of code in custom-styles.php file

    $font_root = 2.6; // headings font size root
    for ( $i = 1; $i <= 6; $i++ ) {
    $size = round( ( $font_root - ( 0.27 * $i ) ) * ( preg_replace( "/[^\d]/", "", esc_html( $anima_fheadingssize ) ) / 100), 5 ); ?>
    h<?php echo $i ?> { font-size: <?php echo $size ?>em; } <?php
    } //for ?>

    Changing 0.27 to 0.32 does the trick, but it is not a good solution as it will be wiped after a theme update…

    Any suggestions?

    Cryout Creations mastermind

    Heading sizes are relative to the general font size (also configurable in the options).

    You can customize the headings font sizes individually with custom CSS:

    body h1 { }
    body h2 { }
    body h3 { }
    body h4 { }
    body h5 { }
    body h6 { }

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